
10 Best Exercises For Everyone

Getting fit is not just about running on a treadmill for hours in your local gym, it can be a dance class or a new hobby like fencing or mountain biking. It could be a group or team activity like football or a karate class. Exercise not only makes you physically fitter but it also improves your mental health and general sense of well-being. Being fit may mean that the risks of colon cancer, breast cancer and possibly also lung and endometrial cancers are reduced. Some research suggests that high impact exercise or odd impact sports may help promote a higher bone density than no impact sports like swimming and cycling . Exercise also helps build bone density when you’re younger, in addition to helping prevent osteoporosis later in life . This article is missing information about times and places when exercise was viewed negatively. Pushups are one of the most basic, yet effective, body weight moves you can perform because of the number of muscles that are recruited to perform them.